Dr. Jennie Hwang to address Reliability of Electronics – the Role of Intermetallics and Solder Joint Reliability at SMTA International on October 15, 2018

Solder joint reliability plays a critical role in the reliability of the entire spectrum of end-use electronic products from consumer to industrial, from computing to IoT, from medical to military applications. In lead-free electronics, intermetallic compounds become increasingly important to the performance and reliability of solder interconnections in the chip level, package level and board level. Understanding the essential fundamentals and key factors behind intermetallics and solder joint reliability is a necessity to designing and manufacturing reliable products.

On Monday, October 15, Dr Jennie S. Hwang leverages her decades of comprehensive real-world experiences and deep knowledge to address solder joint reliability and the role of intermetallic compounds by integrating scientific fundamentals with practical requirements. Join your industry colleagues to hear the true authority in solder joint reliability at SMTA International. Dr. Hwang will discuss relevant aspects of solder joint reliability at her PDC 13 – “Solder Joint Reliability – Principles and Applications.” and PDC 19 –“Reliability of Electronics – The Role of Intermetallic Compounds.” Attendees are encouraged to bring their own selected systems for deliberation.


PDC 13   Solder Joint Reliability – Principles and Applications   8:30am — 12:00pm

Topics Covered

  1. Solder joint fundamentals & thermo-mechanical behavior and degradation – fatigue and creep interaction;
  2. Solder joint failures modes – interfacial, near-interfacial, bulk, inter-phase, intra-phase, voids-induced,  others;
  3. Solder joint failure mechanisms – ductile, brittle, ductile-brittle transition fracture;
  4. Solder joint strengthening metallurgy;
  5. Illustration of microstructure evolution vs. strengthening in Sn Cu+x,y,z and SnAgCu+x,y,z systems;
  6. Solder joint voids vs. reliability – causes, effects, criteria;
  7. Solder joint surface-crack –causes, effects;
  8. Distinctions and commonalties between Pb-free and SnPb solder joints;
  9. Thermal cycling conditions – effects on test results and test results interpretation;
  10. Testing solder joint reliability – discriminating tests and discerning parameters;
  11. Life-prediction model vs. reliability;
  12. Solder joint performance in harsh environments;
  13. What alloys are on the horizon and what impact will be on reliability;
  14. Relative reliability ranking among commercially available solder systems;
  15. Best practices and competitive manufacturing;
  16. Ultimate reliability.

PDC 19   Reliability of Electronics – Role of Intermetallic Compounds 1:30pm — 5:00pm

Topics Covered

  1. Intermetallic compounds – definition, fundamentals, and characteristics;
  2. Formation and growth – sources, factors – during production and in product service life;
  3. Phase diagrams of Pb-free solders in contrast with SnPb;
  4. Intermetallic compounds in the intrinsic material- Pb-free vs. SnPb;
  5. Different types of intermetallic compounds – effects on solder joint reliability (Ni/Au, Ni/Pd/Au, Ni/Pd, Cu);
  6. Intermetallic compounds – at-interface vs. in-bulk;
  7. Effects from substrates (hybrid module thick film pads, PCB surface finish) + component coating;
  8. Gold embrittlement;
  9. SAC alloys incorporated with various doping elements – characteristics, performance;
  10. Effects on failure mode – case studies;
  11. Effects on reliability.


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