Delvitech’s cutting-edge technology overcomes the conventional boundaries of optical inspection.


Not only does Delvitech offer an innovative solution aimed at revolutionizing automatic 3D optical inspection through seamless integration of artificial intelligence, but it stands out as the sole provider to deliver exceptional results in inspecting electronic components previously deemed challenging to assess.


The electronics manufacturing industry is becoming increasingly complex due to the interplay of technological advancements, leading to the development of more sophisticated electronic components and devices, diversification of products, quality control challenges, and shorter product lifecycles. Successfully navigating these complexities requires manufacturers to adopt innovative technologies and agile manufacturing processes to remain competitive in the market.


Through rigorous programming and advanced neural network training, Delvitech has harnessed the power to examine an extensive array of components that surpass the conventional boundaries of electronic boards. This expanded capability encompasses intricate elements like adhesives, metal components, and plastics, all of which play increasingly critical roles across diverse sectors such as automotive and electronics.


Historically, in fact, the inspection of materials like glues, silicone-based plastics, and metal screws presented challenges for the industry. Conventional optical systems struggled to provide comprehensive and high-quality results in this area. Leveraging advanced computer vision techniques and a patented optical head technology, Delvitech has overcome these challenges, capturing, processing, and interpreting images with unprecedented accuracy, going beyond the capabilities of conventional optical systems.

This achievement owes much to the wealth of experience accumulated over the years in collecting and processing data crucial for nurturing AI, particularly the images used to train the neural network. However, this milestone would have remained out of reach without the support of the hardware employed by Delvitech. The use of an exceptionally powerful computer is essential not only for facilitating the computational demands of AI but also for handling the vast quantities of data gathered by the patented optical head in the form of images.


Delvitech’s accomplishments underscore its technical expertise and position it to introduce transformative technology to the market. By expanding the applications of 3D inspection, Delvitech is poised to meet the evolving demands of the electronic manufacturing sector more effectively than ever before.


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