iNEMI / IPC CIS Tech Topic Series Complex Integrated Systems — The Future of Electronics Manufacturing  September 26-27

Dan Gamota, Executive Director, NextFlex

Girish Wable, Technical and Business Consultant 

September 26 & 27, 2024


About the Series

Complex integrated systems (CIS) merge a wide range of capabilities — digital, analog, optical, micro-mechanical, energy, communications and mechanical functions — in a single system to deliver optimal solutions. These are systems where:

  • For any given function, the specialized implementation technology and/or material system that provides the best performance at the right cost point is chosen. 
  • The different function implementations are integrated using the most appropriate interconnect and packaging solutions. 
  • Multiscale, holistic approaches are essential for design, simulation, assembly and test across the complete, sustainable product lifecycle, including manufacturing.
  • The resulting supply chains intelligently integrate the capabilities, expertise, and business practices used across wafer fabrication, chip/die packaging, module assembly and final system assembly.

Several products are scaling into mass adoption to meet the uptick in multiple markets and require increasing levels of integration across heterogeneous technologies. These include: high-performance computing, aerospace/defense, agriculture, automotive, bio/medical and consumer products.

CIS — The Future of Electronics Manufacturing

The CIS Tech Topic webinar series will cover topics that address the opportunities, progress, challenges, solutions and roadmaps for complex integrated systems, presented by thought-provoking leaders from the collaborative CIS ecosystem.

In this first webinar, Dan Gamota, Executive Director, NextFlex, and Girish Wable, Technical and Business Consultant, will present the vision as well as the structure behind the various elements of CIS and provide a glimpse into what’s coming next in the speaker series.

If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Mark Schaffer (


Session 1: Thursday, September 26, 2024

11:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. EDT (Americas)

5:00-6:00 p.m. CEST (Europe)

Register for this webinar:


Session 2: September 27, 2024

8:00-9:00 a.m. CST (China)

8:00-9:00 p.m. EDT (Americas) n September 26

Register for this webinar:


White Paper Available

Request a copy of the iNEMI / IPC white paper, “Complex Integrated Systems: The Future of Electronics Manufacturing,” intended to guide and focus cross-industry efforts and partnerships in the necessary research and development, as well as the manufacturing capability scale-up, that will be critical to success. Visit to download the white paper.

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