NOTE’s CEO sells just under 38,000 shares – remains as major shareholder in NOTE

NOTE’s CEO Johannes Lind-Widestam has recently sold 37,529 shares in NOTE, corresponding to 11% of his holdings, to a value of SEK 5.0 million. The sale was carried out to cover tax obligations.

After the sale, Johannes Lind-Widestam and his family’s ownership (private and via company) in NOTE amounts to 316,150 shares, which corresponds to some 1.1% of the shares in NOTE. Thus, Johannes Lind-Widestam and family remain as a major shareholder in NOTE. In addition, Johannes Lind-Widestam holds 211,250 warrants in NOTE.

About NOTE
NOTE produces PCBAs, subassemblies and box build products. NOTE is a competitive EMS provider and stable business partner to customers with high standards. NOTE’s products are embedded in complex systems for electronic control, surveillance and security, for example.

NOTE’s business model builds on delivering high end manufacture, custom logistics solutions and consulting for the best possible total cost through long-term customer relationships and partnerships. Its customer offering covers complete product lifecycles, from design to after-sales. Primarily, its customer base consists of large corporations operating on the global market, and enterprises whose main sales are in northern Europe.

NOTE has a presence in Sweden, Finland, the UK, Estonia, Bulgaria and China. Sales over the last 12 months were SEK 4,181 million, and the group has approximately 1,500 employees. NOTE is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, please go to

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